Rovira Rodríguez Group is a business conglomerate created by Salvador F. Rovira Rodríguez to meet under one roof the functions of different entities, in order to provide the best customer service, attention to clients, and diversity in business. Our Group consist of various companies such as, RR Legal, SCFS, Mint Services Group and Minervita Holdings.
To ensure the quality of our services, our Group constantly is evaluating the needs and business success factors of our clients, to ensure we meet, complement and exceed their service expectations. To achieve our goals, we have integrated the services provided by a team of consultants, including Physicians, Accountants, Property Management, Medical Billing, Collections and Practice Management, Tax and Labor specialists. As well, other specialized personnel supports our staff.
Among the various automated functions, we have available for our Team are: Virtual Connections with clients, on-line researching, electronic mailing and Internet facilities, which allow access to different applications, such as document generation, external databases, and legal and scientific research. Thus, we can provide a combined experience and knowledge of our entire team to serve our clients from anywhere.
Our Team is bound by a commitment to excellence and exceeding client service expectations. In doing so, we ensure our advice is channeled in a personalized cost-conscious fashion.
We are committed to staying abreast of breaking developments in the rapidly changing business community. We regularly participate and attend targeted seminars and conferences. We also subscribe to leading publications devoted to developing issues in our areas of expertise and have immediate access to up-to-the-minute information through the Internet.
We build long-term partnerships with most of our clients, work on all issues that drive competitive advantage and performance, we also continuously invest to enhance our processes, including managing their risk, ensuring rigorous information management, and ensuring the security of our people.

In this complex, rapidly expanding and ever-changing field, our Group has taken the lead in Puerto Rico providing full support in areas such as, general corporate matters, mergers and acquisitions, risk management, antitrust, managed care, fraud and abuse and corporate compliance, medical practice matters, academic medical centers and hospital issues, among others. We have a special commitment to assisting health care providers, hospitals, physicians’ groups, long term care facilities and other related providers.
Given the ever present and booming plaintiff malpractice litigation, we have developed a niche in defending healthcare clients. Few firms in Puerto Rico understand and juggle the business and technical issues faced by providers, and how to assist clients managing risk.
Corporate Compliance and Risk Management
In our Risk Management division, we identify asses, and prioritize risk, whether positive or negative, followed by a coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities. The strategies to manage risk typically include transferring the risk to another party, avoiding the risk, reducing the negative effect or probability of the risk, or even accepting some or all the potential or actual consequences of a particular risk.
Our Corporate compliance division deals with preventive medicine. Working with planning, organization, and commitment, we can spot problems early and allow an organization to take corrective action to avoid government fines and penalties. Through our corporate compliance and risk management programs, the provider can specify the organization's policies, procedures, and actions within a process to help them prevent and detect violations of laws and regulations.
Our Group provides full corporate law services to its clients while making use of its interdisciplinary team. Our mandates in this area cover all stages and partnership existence, from formation and capitalization through liquidation and dissolution. Our advises to clients is directed to select he proper from of business entity and structuring debt and equity capital. It also provides advice in buying and selling businesses, in both, assets and entity transactions, contractual agreements and other related matters. Merger and acquisition transaction ranges from relatively simple purchase of a small business to complex leverage buy-outs.
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